2 smiling women sit around a table looking off and clapping.

Board of Directors elections.

The WorldMark Board of Directors election takes place during the Annual Owner Meeting every October. Get information about the latest election and annual meeting.

2 smiling women sit around a table looking off and clapping.

Board of Directors elections.

The WorldMark Board of Directors election takes place during the Annual Owner Meeting every October. Get information about the latest election and annual meeting.

Application instructions for WorldMark Board of Directors nominations.

WorldMark, The Club is currently seeking qualified candidates to run for the WorldMark Board of Directors during the upcoming election in October. This year, members will vote to fill two positions on the Board.

As a reminder, candidates will have to choose whether they want to run for the “Member-Only” seat or the “At-Large” seat. Candidates may only apply for one (1) of the following director positions:

CandidateTotal Votes
Mark Payette99,015
Bob Hartsock89,645
Hari Aroon64,812
Henry Vanderveen17,349

Congratulations to Mark Payette and Bob Hartsock who have been elected to the WorldMark Board of Directors.


2023 Board of Directors election.

The WorldMark Board of Directors plays an essential role for the club and is committed to serving you. As the 2023 election nears, this is your one-stop shop for election-related information.

Every October, WorldMark owners are invited to vote for their Board of Directors. Beginning in late August or early September, you should receive your voting materials in the mail.

You can also find detailed candidate information in the Meet the Candidates section of your club website.

“Member-Only” seat: Only WorldMark, The Club members will be eligible to cast their ballot for this seat (the Developer cannot vote for this seat).

“At-Large” seat: Both WorldMark, The Club members and the Developer will be able to vote for the candidate of their choice.

In order to be considered as a Board candidate, applicants must download:

Information Fact Sheet – Please read the information fact sheet carefully as it explains applicant criteria, appointment, and commitment; gives Board facts and information; and describes the application process.

Application – After reading the information fact sheet, if you want to become a candidate for the Board, please download the application, fully answer all questions, and provide all requested documents.

All of the following documents must be emailed to and received by Stephanie Shugarts, Board/Owner Relations Director, at Stephanie.Shugarts@wyn.com no later than 5 p.m. PT on May 15, 2023.

1. Application (Parts I and III).

2. Answers to questions listed in Part II of the application. Answers must be sent as a separate Word document. Documents submitted in any other format will not be accepted and processed.

3. A copy of your resumé or CV that contains the following information (Note: Information must be sent as a separate Word document. Documents submitted in any other format will not be accepted and processed):

  • Employment history, including date of employment, job title, and specific job responsibilities, and the name of the company or organization you worked for during your employment.
  • Boards that you currently and previously served on, including dates served, name of organization, board position held, and board budget.
  • Educational background, including school(s) attended, most advanced degree received, and date(s) attended.

4. A high-resolution color headshot that may be used on the website and in the voter booklet.

5. Long and short statements about why you want to serve on the Board. Note: Candidate statements should be directed to the membership (not to the Election Committee). This information will be posted on the website and included in the voter booklet. Statements must be sent as a separate Word document.

  • Long Statement: A written statement of no more than 500 words outlining why you want to be a candidate for the Board.
  • Short Statement: A written statement of no more than 350 words outlining why you want to be a candidate for the Board.

6. A history of your usage of WorldMark, The Club, its exchange programs, and other timeshare products. This information must be sent as either a Word or Excel document.

Incomplete applications (not answering all questions in Part I, II, and III of the Application and/or not delivering all of the required documents listed above by 5 p.m. PT on May 15, 2023), will be disqualified and not be considered by the Election Committee. All documents must be emailed. Faxes and mailed applications will not be accepted.

Share Your Thoughts on the election.

Each year during the election cycle, WorldMark owners have the opportunity to share their thoughts about election-related topics through three annual election emails per the club’s Communications Policy.

These 400-word statements will be compiled each month and emailed directly to other WorldMark owners. The email communication must be related to the annual election and may not include attachments.

The distribution schedule of these emails is:

  • Statements received by Sept. 7 will be emailed on or before Sept. 29. 
  • Statements received by Oct. 4 will be emailed on or before Oct. 13.

To submit your election-related statement, fill out the Share Your Thoughts form by selecting the button below.

Owners may also post election-related statements to an election communications site.

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